60 miles. 3 days. And - with any luck - all 10 toenails.

60 miles. 3 days. And - with any luck - all 10 toenails.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So it's been an interesting couple of weeks.

Training for Week 13 went pretty well. The weather was decent for the most part, and I even tackled one more mile than anticipated. Go me!

Suggested Training
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 3 Miles Easy Walk
Wednesday - 30 Minutes Moderate Cross-Training
Thursday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Friday - 45 Minutes Easy Cross-Training
Saturday - 11 Miles Moderate Walk
Sunday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Total Mileage - 24

Actual Training
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 3 Miles Moderate Walk
Wednesday - 30 Minutes Strength Training
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Saturday - 11 Miles Moderate Walk
Sunday - 6 Miles Moderate Walk
Total Mileage - 25

Things went a little downhill for Training Week 12, mostly because we were attending a wedding, as well as a 90th birthday in Illinois. Knowing that festivities would win out over walking, I tried to jam-pack all of my miles into Tuesday through Friday.

It was a valiant attempt, but a failed one.

Suggested Training
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 4 Miles Easy Walk
Wednesday - 15 Minutes Moderate Cross-Training
Thursday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Friday - 30 Minutes Easy Cross-Training
Saturday - 12 Miles Moderate Walk
Sunday - 7 Miles Moderate Walk
Total Mileage - 28

Actual Training
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Wednesday - 7 Miles Moderate Walk
Thursday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Friday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk followed by rehearsal dinner
Saturday - Much Merriment (consistently mainly of drinking, eating, and dancing)
Sunday - Brunch, lots of driving, and yet more wine
Total Mileage - 22

I do give myself some credit for going for a 5-mile walk on the Constitution Trail in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois shortly after we arrived in the state. It was a lovely route.

And although I did not walk on Saturday, something must be said about my willingness to embrace both the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha Slide, as well as do a shot of whiskey with the boys. I can totally still hang, you guys.

In a stunning fall from training glory, this past week - Training Week 11 - was a dismal failure.

This is what I was supposed to do:

Suggested Training
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 4 Miles Easy Walk
Wednesday - 30 Minutes Moderate Cross-Training
Thursday - 5 Miles Moderate Walk
Friday - 30 Minutes Easy Cross-Training
Saturday - 13 Miles Moderate Walk
Sunday - 9 Miles Moderate Walk
Total Mileage - 31

Aaanddd, this is what I did!

Actual Training
Monday - Recuperate from weekend spent with wine glass permanently attached to lips
Tuesday - Worked late to prepare for board meeting. Plus more recuperating.
Wednesday - Clearly more recuperation necessary. Am getting a cold, to boot.
Thursday - Dinner over at aunt's and uncle's and visiting grandparents. No walking, but there is more wine! Score!
Friday - Long week. Exhausted. Feeling crappy. Rest.
Saturday - Head out with intention of walking 13 miles. Head home after 2 miles. Still not feeling great, but am still up for a night of terrific food, more wine, and art.
Sunday - Hungover and sleep deprived. Really congested. Couch - 1; New Balance shoes - 0.
Total Mileage - 2

Do you see that people? Two. I walked two miles this week. T-w-o.

This is not ideal.

Luckily for me, I believe in cutting myself some slack. An off-week was not planned, but if my body felt like it needed it, I am not going to argue.

There are just 10 weeks left of training until the walk, however. No more slacking allowed!